A couple of weeks ago I ran a poll on my Instagram account asking how many of my followers kept in touch with one-time customers.
You know, those customers who use your service once and never commit to a routine service. Now, there’s also the ones, within the same group, who do go to you, but every now and then. They don’t subscribe to a routinary schedule. I was actually surprised to find out that - even though the margin was not extreme - the majority of those who answered the poll said they don't stay in touch with one-timers.
Welcome to another edition of Strategy Monday! I was recently having a conversation with a follower of mine who was asking what strategy I’d recommend for her to start working on her business systems. She wants to start systematizing and automating her business so that she can focus on other things in life - I mean, don’t we all? If this is also one of your goals in 2019, then you’ll definitely want to stick around for today’s episode as I will be sharing the exact same strategy I shared with her. A strategy that you’ll be able to start working on today!
Podcast subscription rose significantly in 2018. According to statistics, 60% of the US population is familiar with the word "podcasting"; and, it's only expected to rise in the next few years. Another interesting statistic is that 52% of people listen to podcasts while driving; 46% while traveling; and, 40% while walking, running, or riding a bike.
I can tell you right now that I include myself in those statistics! I listen to podcasts throughout the day - while driving, traveling, and when working out. In this blog post I will let you know about "The Top 5 Podcasts I Listened To In 2018".
Colin Powell said: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
Join me as we break down this quote and apply it's lesson to our cleaning businesses!
Welcome to The House Cleaning Podcast and to episode #43: “No Worries, I Found Your Ex-Employees Already”.
Oh, this is going to be a good one!
Welcome to another edition of Strategy Monday! Do you find yourself having a difficult time getting repeat customers? If so, you’ll definitely want to hear today’s episode as I will be sharing with you a couple of strategies that you’ll be able to start implementing today; strategies that will help YOU get more repeat customers!
In this blog post I share with you "The 3 Most Important Lessons I learned in 2018". I hope I can provide you with a positive outlook on life - not just with your house cleaning business, but in your personal life, as well. At the very least, I hope these lessons will get you thinking in a more positive and productive manner. Enjoy!
Zig Ziglar said: “You don’t build a business. You build people, then people build the business.” How many times have you thought to yourself, “I have to build my business?” Or, “I have to ‘create’ a successful business? Or, “I have to ‘assemble’ the perfect strategy for my business.” But, have you ever thought of yourself as a motivator?
Welcome to another edition of Perspective Wednesday!
Is there such a thing as a “perfect” business plan? I recently posted a quote on my Instagram account, something that I mentioned in a previous episode; it went something like this: “While you’re sitting there trying to come up with the perfect business plan. There’s others out there with a less-than-perfect plan taking action and adjusting along the way.” That particular post got a lot of traction, but something in particular caught my attention.
Welcome to The House Cleaning Podcast and to episode #39: Your Frequently Asked Questions Page!
Welcome to another edition of Strategy Monday! |
AuthorDanny Partida is the creator and host of Archives
May 2024