The definition of “branding”, according to is “the process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product or service in the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.”
Having said that, do you think you need branding? If you’d like to know what I think, then I recommend you hang out as I’ll be sharing my thoughts with you on today’s Perspective Wednesday!
How active are you on social media? Which social media platforms do you use the most for your cleaning business? Do you have a social media strategy or at least an outline that you follow so you have a structure? If you’re for ways to strengthen your cleaning business’ social media presence or at least listen to my thoughts on what you should be doing on social media, then I highly recommend you stay tuned for today’s episode as I’ll be sharing with you what I do to try to stay active on social media.
Do you have a late-notice cancellation penalty fee that you impose on your customers? What about when a customer skips an appointment; do you charge them the next frequency rate?
In today's blog post I will give you "My Thoughts on Penalizing Customers Who Skip An Appointment."
UCLA coach John Wooden said: “Perfection is what you are striving for, but perfection is an impossibility. However, striving for perfection is not an impossibility. Do the best you can under the conditions that exist. That is what counts.”
In today’s episode I will break down the quote the the legendary UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden.
Owning, running, and managing a business can take toll on your well-being. The demanding customers, the supervision of your employees, the creation of systems and procedures for your managers - and, not to mention all of the daily requests from your personal life, as well. I’m sure you’ve gone through a period of just wanting to give up and quit. But, if you’re listening to this podcast, I’m sure you haven’t. And, in today’s Perspective Wednesday I want to share with you my point of view when it comes to taking care of yourself through meditation. So, if you’ve ever thought of giving up, if you’re thinking about giving up, or have given up, but want to give it another try, then I strongly recommend you listen to today’s episode.
One of the most common questions I get is, how do I start working on my business systems? In fact, I published an episode where I talked about how to start working on your business systems - that was episode #45 in case you’d like to check it out. Right up there among the most frequently asked questions I receive is: How do I find the time to work on my house cleaning business?!
If this is also a question that roams your mind, then you’ll definitely want to stick around for this episode as I’ll be sharing a strategy that you’ll be able to implement as soon as this episode ends.
Join me in today’s Clean Your Mind Friday episode as we go over the quote: “What you give is what you get”!
Have you asked your customers for feedback recently? If yes, great! You’re being proactive and asking for ways to improve your service. If not, why not? Is there a bit a fear asking your customer for feedback?
I was recently talking with a relative of mine who straight out told me that she didn’t ask for feedback because she was afraid her business was not doing as well as she had convinced herself to it was. If you also have this fear, then I strongly recommend that you stick around for today’s episode, as I’ll be sharing my perspective in an effort to get you to destroy your fear of feedback.
It is said that approximately 50% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February. Well, guess what today is February 11th - if you’re listening on the day this episode goes out - and we’re officially in the second week of the second month of the year!
How are you keeping up with your 2019 goals? If you’re determination is starting to decrease and you’re starting to lose sight of the goals and resolutions you created in the beginning of the year, then you’ll definitely want to stick around as I’ll be sharing with you a strategy you can start using right away to make sure you stay on track in your journey to reaching your goals!
Wow! So, January 2019 came and went already! Can you believe it? We are now about half way through the first trimester of the year. And, what a start to the year it was! How are your goals coming along? Are you on track with your goals and resolutions?
One of my goals for January 2019 was to start off strong with The House Cleaning Podcast. I truly wanted to begin the year on a high note when it came to how many people I was helping with my podcast. And, although I didn't put an exact number on what I was expecting or shooting for, let me tell you, I was blown away by how well January was for the show! In total there were 671 unique downloads of the podcast in the month of January 2019! I mean this completely smashed my first launch of the show back in April of 2018! I'm very grateful for everyone who downloads and listens to the show! I truly hope that in one way or another I'm helping you or inspiring you to dream big with your small business! In this blog post I will talk a bit about "The Top 3 'The House Cleaning Podcast' Episodes of 2019! |
AuthorDanny Partida is the creator and host of Archives
November 2024