Owning, running, and managing a business can take toll on your well-being. The demanding customers, the supervision of your employees, the creation of systems and procedures for your managers - and, not to mention all of the daily requests from your personal life, as well. I’m sure you’ve gone through a period of just wanting to give up and quit. But, if you’re listening to this podcast, I’m sure you haven’t. And, in today’s Perspective Wednesday I want to share with you my point of view when it comes to taking care of yourself through meditation. So, if you’ve ever thought of giving up, if you’re thinking about giving up, or have given up, but want to give it another try, then I strongly recommend you listen to today’s episode.
I can go ahead start off today’s episode by giving you stats and studies and analysis of the effects of meditation. But, you know what? That’s not me. I’m going to give you my results.
There are plenty of news articles, documentaries, and podcasts out there that take care of informing you about the specific scientific effects that meditation can have on your personal well-being. But, like I said - and as I’ve done throughout the life of this podcast - I’m giving you the facts about what has worked for me. So, some of you might know from me mentioning this fact in previous episodes that my interest in Zen meditation started when I was in my early years in college. Now, I didn’t start meditating that long ago, but I did a great amount of reading on this subject. From there, I took a break, I guess we can say from anything related to the spiritual and religious and it wasn’t until about 2016 that I got back to the meditation scene. Only this time I actually searched for ways to begin a meditation routine. I tried meditating by myself (guided by the books I had read in the past), I tried YouTube videos; anything that I thought would teach me how to be “good” at meditation. It wasn’t until I found an app that I will mention at the end of today’s episode because I don’t want you to think that this episode is about that app - it’s not. But, I found this app that has truly worked for me in the sense that I can recognize the effects of my meditation (obviously thanks to that app). So, what are the effects? Well, to start off, I’m more calm when it comes to dealing with difficult, uncomfortable, or unpleasant situations. We know that, again, owning, running, and managing a house cleaning business - or any business in general, for that matter - can bring about stressful situations. Your car breaks down, an employee doesn’t show up on time, a customer cancels your service at the last-minute - the possibilities are endless. Well, let me tell you. After having practiced meditation for about 3 years now, I have learned how to remain calm and take whatever situation I face with a tranquil and clear mind. This leads to my second point, and that is thinking clearly. I’ve noticed that meditating has allowed me to think clearly during those moments when thinking clearly is rather necessary. Again, being a business owner requires you to do an infinity amount of things and, as I’ve mentioned before, not just in your business but in your personal life, as well. Are there moments when you just feel overwhelmed with having to do so many things and your mind just gets clouded with thoughts that you’d prefer to not do anything at all? Well, let me tell you what, that used to happen to me all the time! I’d get so stressed out by having so many things to do that at the end of the day, I’d realized I hadn’t done even half of those things. But, practicing meditation has led me to being clear in my mind with what I have to do and it’s easier for me to do a lot more now than before. I now manage a house cleaning business, I do consulting for a few small business owners, and I’m in the process of launching 3 online products this year alone. Now, don’t think I don’t stress out anymore - I do! But I’ve noticed that ever since I implemented my meditation routine, I’ve been able to handle any type of situation more effectively and efficiently. Finally, I’m more “present” now. I’m sure many of you have heard this phrase in the past - “Be here. Now.” Well, that is one of the essence of meditation. I have noticed that I’m more present, more at ease when I’m with my customers or employees. There is no right or wrong. There just is … presence. When a customer gets upset at us or when an employee breaks a rule or something similar - there’s just being present. Obviously, there’s steps or procedures that I've implemented for dealing with these situations, but it doesn’t take a negative toll on my well-being. I find myself more easily being able to handle any type of situation … by being present. And, that’s not to say I’ve become some sort of cold and robotic being. I haven’t. Quite the contrary. How do I know? Well, because my two oldest children have told me so. They’ve been the ones who have seen or experienced the direct changes in my being; and, my wife, as well. I guess my entire family. But, again, I wanted to create this episode to let you know that meditation can help you with your cleaning business. So, to answer the title of today’s episode: “Can meditation help you with your cleaning business?” Yes! It most definitely can. It has helped me and I’m sure if you get into a routine and are consistent, it can have a positive effect on you and on your house cleaning business, as well! Now, to end today’s episode I want to let you know about that app. They are not a sponsor, I am not an affiliate, or anything like that. The reason I’m telling you about this app is because this is the app that has most benefited me. The app’s name is “Headspace.” And, I have gotten into the routine of meditating 10-20 minutes every morning and I do a quick 3 minute meditation in the afternoon. I use to also do a quick 10 minute meditation before going to bed, but I’ve fallen behind on that one (which I should begin again because, like I’ve said, the impact is truly positive). If you’d like to check them out search for “Headspace” on the App Store in iOS or Google Play for Android. They also have a web-version that you can access on your laptop or computer. At the time of my recording this episode, I’m on a 113 day meditation streak; but, overall or over time I’ve meditated a total of 179 hours or 10,740 minutes. That’s more than 1,000 meditation sessions. Remember, the longest journey and the shortest journey always start with the first step. Give meditation a try if my story is of some interest to you. And, since you’re reading this post I’m sure you own a small business, so all I can tell you is that if you do and you’re consistent, then you will eventually see changes in yourself and how you do business. Headspace gives you a free 10-day trial - at least that’s what they were doing back when I started using the app in 2016. But, check it out for yourself and give it a try. Well, that’s it for today! Do you meditate? Have you tried it, but gave up? Are you thinking about trying it? If so, leave your comment in the comments section of the show notes or send me a message on any of my social media accounts. I’d love to find out! I wish you all the best! And, I’ll catch you on the next episode! Today's episode was brought to you by Weebly!
You know how much I emphasize the importance of providing your customers with a great experience and it all starts with your website! Nowadays, one of the very first things customers do is search for cleaning services online and if your website is just not cutting it, you might be losing potential customers! With Weebly, you’ll be able to create a high-quality website with easy-to-use tools!
You’ll have tons of professional themes to choose from, and getting started is so easy with their drag-and-drop website builder! Before you leave, remember to follow me on my social media accounts!One more thing!
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AuthorDanny Partida is the creator and host of Archives
November 2024